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Siecor Fiber Optic Patch Panel

Fiber optic patch panel

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Patch your fiber optic cables to your enclosures with these convenient patch panels and adapters. Unloaded or pre-loaded, we have a number of different customizable options available to fit whatever application you require. With products from trusted brands including Black Box, Signamax, Corning, Leviton, Panduit and more, let us help you maximize efficiency in your data center or server room.If you need help selecting a solution for your cable management needs, feel free to call our friendly and knowledgeable staff at 1-866-222-0030.

We are using several Siecor LANScape and Siecor Eclipse patch panel bays.We are currently patching MMF cables through the panels, but we are planning on running some SMF GigE and SMF OC-3/OC-12 connection and I would like those to be patched through that panel as well. But since we have several of these panels, when we do the network rebuild I might have a dedicated MMF and a dedicated SMF panel.My question is, do I need to get different modules for the patch panel or are the SC receptacles that are installed in it already going to work fine with SMF connections?

Fiber Optic Enclosure

Said by:firmly against mixing single-mode with multi-mode.injection loss from a 62.5um MM fiber into a 9um SM fiber. I believe that you interpreted my question wrong. I will be using SMF fibers on both ends, it's just the port on the patch panel. I was asking if there is a specific difference between fiber patch panels designed for MMF or SMF fibers.By the way, the exact distance that the light is going to travel after it goes through the patch panel, will be some where around 10,560 feet (+/- 25 feet), and it will suffer from insertion loss at the patch panel and also at the demarc and through however many splicers it has to go through until it reaches the other end of the glass. Yes there is a difference but the orginal question did not mention distance of the fiber leaving to the field. We have many of these connections traveling appx.

7-10 miles with no problems of error rates on the equipment using smf with mmf connectors. Our company allowed for a 1 db loss at each end of the run for the connectors. As Oxygen said this run is appx. 2 miles long which is nothing as fiber runs go. So me personally would not worry to much about loss at the connector.

He might have to attenuate the light to inject loss into to run as to not burn up the equipment (whatever Oxygen is using I do not know ) The older DDM-1000,2000,FLM-150,2400,ect. Like the light singal around 17-20 dm. The newer ones from what I am told do not care how hot the singal is.P.S. It is a hell of alot better than a biconic connector any day of the week.